Uruha, The Gazette

Sit and Ignore (go back »)

July 18 2008, 7:45 AM

Whispers circle through the room...

Dirty looks stare at me.

Drilling a hole right through me.

Paranoid and self  conscious, I sit and ignore.

It's always been this way.

Day after day the same looks and whispers.

I feel alone and stare back at them.

They point and laugh.

So many people to make fun of, but I'm the only victim.

I'm the only one worthy of this rejection of laughing praise.

With hurt in my heart and tears in my eyes, I sit there, I don't cry, I just ignore.

So I sit and ignore, but what does that mean?

I hear them and it hurts me, but I don't let them see?

I refuse to let them see, the tears in my eyes and the hurt in my heart,



So I just sit here and ignore...

In Poetry


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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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